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​Hairband With Satin Roses

Mar 24, 2020 02:16 AM
​Hairband With Satin Roses
​Hairband With Satin Roses
​Hairband With Satin Roses
​Hairband With Satin Roses
​Hairband With Satin Roses

You'll need:

Satin ribbons (width 2,5 cm, 45 cm long);


Bend the ribbon for the first time, forming an angle of 90 degrees. Then we bend the ribbon one by one. As soon as the short edge of the ribbon ends, connect the ends together and release the structure.

Then, holding a short edge near the main one, pull the structure up to form rosebuds. Trim the excess, singe the edge on fire.

Sew a thread so that the structure holds and does not fall apart. Carefully mark for yourself the puncture sites.

Repeat the process of forming rosebuds as many times as your idea needs. The size of the bud can be changed. Just take the ribbon wider or do more bending spots.

Next, with the resulting roses, decorate the hair bands. Place larger specimens in the center, and attach small rosettes at the edges. Add petals or kanzashi leaves to this.

Vary the colors, sizes, quality of the material, add stones, pearls or rhinestones to the rims with flowers and roses. 
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