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Crochet Vineyard Throw Blanket

Jun 18, 2024 10:28 AM
Crochet Vineyard Throw Blanket

Cozy up with the Crochet Vineyard Throw Blanket, a charming and rustic blanket that evokes the charm of a vintage vineyard. This soft and plush blanket features intricate vine-like stitches in a soothing color palette, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere perfect for snuggling up on chilly evenings. The blanket's chunky texture and chunky yarn make it easy to work up quickly, while its generous size (48″ wide x 62″ long) ensures it's perfect for draping over a sofa or chair.

Finished Size: 48″ wide x 62″ long

Yarn: #6 super bulky weight (80 oz./1830 yds total)

Sample used: Bernat Mix Home in Twilight Purple – 10 skeins

Hook: Size U/25 mm Tunisian cable hook (Note: I started with a straight hook but found it was so heavy on my hands that I switched to the cable hook halfway through my blanket.)

Notions: Yarn Needle

Gauge: 8 sts and 7 rows = 6.5 inches in pattern


bo – bind off
ch – chain
tks – tunisian knit stitch
yo – yarn over

Special Stitches:

  • Tunisian knit stitch (tks) – insert hook from front to back between next 2 vertical bars, yo, pull up a loop. For tutorial, please see my Tunisian Knit Stitch post.
  • Return Pass (RetP) – yo, pull through 1st loop on hook, * yo, pull through 2 loops, repeat from * across until 1 loop remains.
  • Sc Bind Off (sc bo)skip 1st vertical bar, * insert hook between next 2 vertical bars, yo, pull up a loop, yo, pull through both loops on hook, repeat from * across, insert hook through both loops of last stitch. For tutorial, please see my Single Crochet Bind Off post.


  • The throw is made holding 2 strands of #6 super bulky weight yarn together.
  • By choosing a yarn that already had pattern/texture changes I avoided having to change out to new skeins even more often – which equals less ends to tie in when you’re finished.


Holding 2 strands together, ch 47.
Row 1: Insert hook in 2nd ch from hook, yo pull up loop, *insert hook in next ch, yo, pull up loop, rep from * across. (47 loops on hook) RetP: (see Special Stitches).

Row 2: Skip 1st vertical bar, you will be working between front and back of vertical posts, *tks in next st (see Special Stitches), repeat from * across to last bar, insert hook through both loops of last bar, yo, pull up loop. RetP.

Rows 3 – 70: Rep Row 2.

Row 71: Sc bo (see Special Stitches) in each stitch across.
Fasten off. Weave in ends.

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