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​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads

Mar 02, 2020 02:04 AM
​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads
​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads
​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads
​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads
​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads
​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads
​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads
​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads
​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads
​Bullfinch Brooch From Beads

You'll need:

sheet of white felt;
Swarovski crystals for sewing, black colour 12х6 mm;
round black crystal for eye;
black round beads № 10;
pomigranate round beads № 11;
cerise round beads № 11;
white round beads № 10;
light gray beads № 11;;
needles for beads;
monofilament thread;
plastic art (polymer clay) for beak;
brooch fastener;
scissors, pen or pencil.


At the very beginning, you need to create a sketch of the future bird. You can print a picture or draw it yourself. The second option is suitable for craftswomen with a talent for drawing. You can also try redrawing the sketch you like. Then cut and circle the pattern on a piece of white felt.

It's better to take black pen. Cut, deviating from the contour about 1 cm. On the pattern, draw the contours of the wing and breast.

Place three crystals on the intended wing, leaving a small gap between them. Glue to the base, then sew with monofilament thread. Sew a row of black beads around each crystal. Sew according to this pattern:
fasten the thread from the eversion, go out on the face, put on 2 beads, place them on the fabric, pierce them and go inverted;
then pierce between the beads and go to the front part;
pass the needle through the second beads, put on 2 more pieces, go to the wrong surface;
insert a needle between the third and fourth beads, thread the fourth and continue the whole row further.

Glue a round crystal to the eye, pass around next to black beads. From plastic for baking, make a black beak with two through holes. Stick it on the marked place and sew it. If there is no plastic, then in this case, embroider the beak from the mouline thread with a double folded thread.

Embroider the head, as shown in the photo - black on top, in the middle part add white, below - pomegranate. On the wing, in addition to black, stitch the “feathers” with beads of light gray color.

On the breast, make rows of pomegranate color and insert in a chaotic manner one or two light cherry beads a little larger in size.

Stitch the tail with five rows of black beads.

Cut the felt along the contour, try to cut very close to the contour line. Prepare a template from cardboard and leather, cardboard should be slightly smaller than the felt base. Stick cardboard blank on felt. Holes on the skin, fasten the lock. Stick a leather template on top of cardboard.

It remains to complete the closing black bead row. This is done in the following way:openings look outward.
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