Who do you usually knit/crochet for?

Good day to you, my deat knitters and crochetters!
As a good tradition, I wish you nice day and all the best.
Who do you usually make your works?
Maybe are there any of you, who knit/crochet for sale?
As for me, I'm not so professional to do it for sale, usually I knit for my children or some home decorations. Sometimes for my husband or me.
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Feb 21, 2020 06:48 AM
I typically knit or crochet for gifts for family and friends. Sometimes I make things for our parish bazaar or other fundraisers that my husband and I are involved with. I like to make tops, cardigans etc. for myself when I have time.

Feb 21, 2020 11:22 PM
Great! I love hand-made presents, they're the most valuable and warm.

SherriJoyce King
Feb 21, 2020 04:42 PM
I crochet doilies. I have been unable to stop crocheting doilies. I bring a doily project everywhere I go, every time I'm in the car (passenger seat, of course) or in an airplane, bus or train or in a waiting room. Thing is… I have plenty and I don't need any more. So what I do is this: when I go to a quilting retreat — quilting is my main avocation — I stick them up on a design wall with a sign that says «Free to a good home» ...and they walk away.

Feb 21, 2020 11:45 PM
What a nice idea! You're very kind, could you share some quilting patterns, please?

SherriJoyce King
Feb 22, 2020 09:50 PM
Share some quilting patterns! That's a tall order. There are hundreds of techniques, and thousands of patterns, for every taste, level of proficiency, and budget. Your best bet is to look at amazon.com and see what quilting books appeal to you and go from there. Happy quilting!

Mar 06, 2020 08:23 PM
my family and friends