Teresa 7 days ago
Finishing up a summer top, planning Cardigan next.
The Stella Sweater (Free Crochet Pattern)
If you're a crocheting enthusiast looking for the perfect sweater to add to your wardrobe, look no further than The Stella Sweater crochet pattern. This pattern offers a stylish and modern design that is perfect for any occasion. The Stella Sweater pattern harnesses the full potential of crochet to produce a beautiful and comfortable sweater that you will love wearing. Materials needed: US Size H/8 5.00mm crochet hook Yarn Stitch Markers Scissors Yarn needle Decorative Buttons
Bright Pink Crochet Cardigan
You’ll need: 450g of bright-pink 100% cotton yarn; Crochet hook 4; Double-pointed knitting needles 4,5; 5 buttons of 14 mm diameter. Size: S. Used Patterns Square motif: make 6 chain sts and circle them in the ring with the help of slip st. Continue work due to the scheme 1 with circle rows. Start every row with initial chain sts due to the scheme and finish with 1 slip st, 1 half crochet or 1 double crochet. Make 1 st -8 th circle rows x once. Quarter, half and three-quarter of motif: mak...