Your Own Patterns

Hello, my dear crocheters and knitters!
As usual, I want to wish you a nice day and positive mood!
Hope, that all of you are alright!
Have you ever created your own pattern or do you always find something interesting in the Internet?
I do both. I like to follow patterns to stay sharp but I really like designing my own creative crochet projects. I've done some blankets and shawls plus some scarves and headbands. I've also done hats of different types. Someone told me a long time ago that there is software made to write crochet and knit patterns. Does anyone have knowledge of this?
I've also heard of it, but don't know the details, sorry
I've since learned that there is a free software download called CrochetCharts. It is supposed to be very good but there's a learning curve that is a struggle. But the commentator said it was super easy and of good quality. I have not checked them out yet and it is only for making charts but I ordered from Amazon a book that explains how to read and write Crochet charts. It has all of the symbols used and their meanings. I'm looking forward to exploring another Crochet path on my journey.
Thank you!
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