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Relief Net Crochet Tunic

Aug 11, 2020 03:35 AM
Relief Net Crochet Tunic
Relief Net Crochet Tunic
Relief Net Crochet Tunic
Relief Net Crochet Tunic

You’ll need:

400g of 100% cotton yarn Chat in mélange turquoise color;

Crochet hook 6.

Size: S-M.


This tunic is made with 2 patterns – main and lace. Make the 1st pattern due to the scheme 1. The quantity of sts should be multiple 3 + 1 st for the symmetry + 3 chain sts increase.

Start with sts before pattern repeat, pattern repeat, finish with sts after pattern repeat. Make 1st-2nd rows x 3 times, 3rd-10th rows x once, 11th-12th rows x once.

Make lace pattern due to the scheme 2. Horizontal line under the scheme shows the 11th row of front and back. Make the first 15 rows, then, repeat 14th-15th rows x 4 times. Finishworkwiththe 16throw.

Then, turn to the upper part. Make 58 chain sts for the right half and work with the main pattern, making increases for sleeves chamfers. At 34 cm from the edge (22 rows), finish your work.

Make left half in symmetry to the right. Make sleeve seams, then out both parts together and sew the lower 15 cm for back seam. Then, make 24 rows with lace pattern along the lower edge from both sides and connect the halves with side seams.

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