Relief Crochet Bag with Flowers

You’ll need:
300g of 100% cotton yarn (125m/50g);
Circle wooden stick 0,6 m long;
Fabric for backing 80 x 50 cm;
Crochet hook 2,5.
Start your work with making 23 motifs 1 and 4 motifs 2. Connect them between one another, as it’s recommended on the scheme. Then, make small motifs 4, 5 and 6. Connect them by means of single crochets, placing them between motifs 1 and 2 (see the scheme). Fold your bag in half along the fold line, stated with dashed lines on the scheme.
Finish with 2 motifs 3 and connect them due to the scheme – marks A1, B1, C1, D, E, B2 and C2.
1st row: attach yarn with 1 half single crochet at the upper part of bag to the mark K of the bag. 5 chain sts, 1 triple crochet in the point L (between the 2 petals of motif 2), 5 chain sts, 1 single crochet in the point N, cut the yarn. Make in the same way for 2 motifs 1 and 2;
2nd row: attach the yarn to the point K with half single crochet and make 3 chain sts, 3 double crochets under the arch of 5 chain sts, * 4 double crochets under the next arch, 4 double crochets under the arch of motif 6, 1 double crochet in the middle of motif 6, 4 double crochets in the next arch of 5 chain sts, 4 double crochets in the next arch.
From the 3rd to the 14th rows: 1 chain st, turn, 1 single crochet in every st;
Make the same actions for another side of bag.
Make 150 chain sts and work with 6 rows of single crochets. Make 2 handles.
Makebacking. Fold its edges and sew it inside your bag. Cut 2 wooden sticks of 25 cm. Fold the upper edge of bag and place the sticks there. Sew the handles.