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​Knit Checker Stitch

Jul 02, 2020 12:41 AM
​Knit Checker Stitch
​Knit Checker Stitch

Make several horizontal pattern repeats and 3 auxiliary pattern repeats.

1st row: 3 knit sts, * 1 purl, 3 knit sts*; repeat from * to *;

2nd row: 1 knit st, *1 purl, 3 knit sts*; repeat from * to * to last 2 sts, 1 purl, 1 knit st;

3rd-6th rows: 1st-2nd rows x twice;

7th row: 1 knit st, * 1 purl, 3 knit sts*; repeat from * to last 2 sts, 1 purl, 1 knit st;

8th row: 3 knit sts, * 1 purl, 3 knit sts*; repeat from * to *;

9th-12th rows: repeat 7th-8th rows x twice.

Repeat 1st-12th row to make the ornament.

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