Nice Home Decoration with Butterflies

You'll need:
Silver or black aluminium wire 1 mm diameter and 20 m long;
Decoupage tissues with butterflies;
One-side transparent contact paper 30 x 60 cm;
Black waxen cord 1 mm diameter;
Outline scissors;
Round-nose pliers;
Invisible glue.
Unwind 3 m from a coil of wire and twist it in a spiral to form a ball. Then rewind the next 3 m of wire, twist the end of the wire with a ball of wire. Then carefully wrap the ball around so that it is not dense, while the wire is constantly drawn through other turns so that they intertwine with each other.
Meanwhile, the ball of wire is slightly squeezed in shape and continue to unwind the wire and wrap it around the ball until it reaches the desired size. Ball diameter for our model = 20 cm.
Cut butterflies from tissues close to the outline and remove both white layers. Remove the protective layer from the contact paper and, having straightened, stick the motif cut from the tissue. After that, cut the butterflies exactly along the contour. For a ball with a diameter of 20 cm, 70–90 butterflies will be needed.
To paste butterflies on a ball, hang the ball on a ribbon, bend the wings of the butterflies up a bit and stick them on the ball with superglue. In this case, first apply a drop of glue to the lower body and allow it to dry. Then apply a second drop of glue to the desired place on the ball, let it dry slightly and only after that, gently press, glue the butterfly. Glue butterflies on the ball randomly.
Glue blue, yellow and pink butterflies on a ball of silver wire, blue, yellow and green butterflies on a ball of black wire.