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​Marine Book Tassel

May 04, 2020 02:01 AM
​Marine Book Tassel
​Marine Book Tassel
​Marine Book Tassel
​Marine Book Tassel

You'll need:

Felt 1 mm of white, black, blue, red, yellow, green and grey colors;

White elastic rib 8 mm wide (length depends on the height of book);

Glue for fabric;


Thin marker for fabric;

White cardboard;




Transfer the motives of the boat and the waves to draw on the model of the size you need and cut out the patterns.

Each fragment is attached to the base (substrate) of white felt. To do this, circle the patterns on a white felt, 1-2 mm indent from the edge, then cut.

Cut out each part of the boat from felt of the corresponding color: the hull is made of yellow, red and green felt, the pipe is made of gray, supplemented with a blue stripe. Details on the case: red waterline and black portholes.

In a similar way to prepare the waves.

On the white base in the center, put an elastic rib and stick it. Glue all the details of the boat over the tape. Step back a little and stick the waves.

Wrap the rib around the book, pull and sew the ends together. Cut the excess ends of the rib.

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