Puffs Knit Stitch

In order to make small sample with the technique of slipped and dropped sts, cast on the quantity of sts multipled 4 + 3. In this patternm it is taken 12 + 3 = 15 sts. Make first 4 rows with stockinette stitch. Knit 1st row with knit sts.
Then, you should catch lower st and 4 broachings with needle from right and transfer them to the left knitting needle.
Continue with this technique to end of row. Then, make purl row, next 4 rows of stockinnete stitch again. Continue knitting, place the slipped st to another place. At first, make 1 knit st, then slip and drop st, then 3 knit sts, slipped st, etc. After that, make purl row, 4 rows of stockinette stitch and row with slipped sts, placed in the same way, as in the 1st row. Continue to end of pattern.