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​Beaded Ring

Mar 27, 2020 02:10 AM
​Beaded Ring

You'll need:

Big and small beads;
Nylon thread;


Make 1st row.

Collect beads on a nylon thread. It is important to observe the sequence:
1 big bead;
3 beads;
then repeat.
There should be 9 beads on the string. After that, close the chain into a ring and tie it to a knot.

Form the 2nd row.

The 2nd row looks like wavy lace. It should go through the beads, which is in the center. Collect 5 new beads and thread into the next central bead of the first row. Perform the action along the entire ring.

Add the 3rd row.

For the third row, only big beads are needed. Pass through the beads in the center of the 2nd row, as indicated in the diagram.

Add 4th row.

For the 4th row, 5 beads are needed. Adding occurs in a similar way. It is necessary to surround the top row of beads.

Then the second side of the ring is braided. For this, beads are used and the weaving of the third row is repeated. A ring of beads is ready.
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