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​Sleeveless Grey Tunic

2020-07-07 01:55:48
​Sleeveless Grey Tunic
​Sleeveless Grey Tunic
​Sleeveless Grey Tunic

You'll need:

250g of 100% cotton yarn (160m/50g);

Straight knitting needles 3;

Double pointed knitting needles 3;

Crochet hook3.

Size: S.

Used Patterns

2 knit sts x 1 purl rib;

1 x 1 rib;

Stockinette stitch: in right-side rows - knit sts, in wrong-side rows - purls;

Wrong side: : in right-side rows - purls, in wrong-side rows - knit sts;

Cable: due to the scheme 1, make wrong-side rows due to the ornament;

Zigzag: due to the scheme 2;

Rhombs: due to the scheme 3, make wrong-side rows due to the ornament.



Cast on 101 sts with knitting needles 3 and work with 2 knit sts x 1 purl rib for 10 rows. After that: 1 selvedge st, cable, 1 st of stockinette stitch, zigzag, 1 st of stockinette stitch, 7 sts of wrong side, rhombs, 7 sts of wrong side, 1 knit st, zigzag, 1 st of stockinette stitch, cable, 1 selvedge st. At the same time, make decreases for waist: 1 st x 8 from both sides in every 20th row. Then, knit 10 rows straight.

Decrease 4 sts from both sides in the next row for forming arm-holes.

Decrease 2 sts x 10 in every even row. Turn to 1 x 1 rib for 6 rows. Bind off the sts.


Make in the same way, as front. Difference: divide the sts after rib in the following way: 1 selvedge st, 16 sts of wrong side, 1 st of stockinette stitch, 15 sts of wrong side, 1 st of stockinette stitch, 33 sts of wrong side, 15 sts of wrong side, 1 st of stockinette stitch, 16 sts of wrong side, 1 selvedge st.


Sew up the sides. Fasten the arm-holes with single crochets with the help of the crochet hook: 30 single crochets for back, 30 chain sts for strap, 30 single crochets for front, 30 chain sts for the second strap. Then, cast on 90 sts on the previous sts with double pointed knitting needles, saving the cable on the arm-hole.

Make 1 x 1 rib for the 6 rows. Bind off the sts.

2020-07-07 01:55:48
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