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​Cute Knit Romper

2020-05-08 02:45:10
​Cute Knit Romper
​Cute Knit Romper

You'll need:

120g of 100% cotton yarn (330m/100g);

Knitting needles 2,5;

Crochet hook 2;

3 buttons.

Used Patterns

2x2 rib

Stockinette stitch: in right-side rows - knit sts, in wrong-side rows - purls;

Stitches control: 28sts x 39rows = 10сm x 10сm.



Start making romper with 35 sts cast on. Make 6 rows of rib. Then, turn to stockinette stitch. Increase 1 st x 3 times in even rows along the right side. Totaly, 38 sts. Leave the sts for 3 cm from bottom part. Make the second detail, using the same schemes, but in reflection to the first detail. Then, transfer 38 sts of right detail to the knitting needles, cast on 4 sts, then, transfer 38 sts of the second detail. Totaly, 80 sts. Continue work with stockinette stitch to 14 cm. Then, make decreases in every 10th row from both sides of 1 st. At 28 cm bind off 4 x 1 sts, 3 x 1 sts, 2 x 2 sts, 1 x 3 sts once for arm-holes. At 32 cm bind off the rest sts.


Make in the same way, as back.


Cast on 10 sts and knit a stripe of 20-25 cm. Make the 2nd stripe. Fold the stripes in half along the length and fasten them with 1 row of single crochets and 1 row of "shrimp stitch". Foresee 1 loop of chain sts from one edge.


Cast on 20 sts and knit 30 rows with stockinette stitch. Bind off the sts. Fasten the pocket with 1 row of "shrimp stitch". Unfold one edge and sew the button.


Make side seams. Fasten the upper part with 1 row of single crochets and 1 row of "shrimp stitch". Sew the pocket and buttons to the front side. Sew the straps to back cross. 

2020-05-08 02:45:10
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