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Quilting blankets

May 21, 2021 12:14 AM


Besides crocheting, I also love quilting a lot.

Are there any quilting lovers among crafters here?

Here is my last work

Quilting blankets

And I've already started a new one

Quilting blankets

I have so many blankets, so I decided to make them for charity.

May 21, 2021 12:19 PM

I also love quilting.

Your blanket is very nice!

May 21, 2021 01:19 PM

I'm also a quilting lover

May 21, 2021 07:28 PM

I think quilt handmade our machine made by someone is very personal. It's very nice to get one if you're so lucky. I'm thinking about making one myself from memory. My mother had made me one and I've lost totally I remember what it look like it was Warren I guess somebody took it and just use it for the dog bed I don't know it was a lot of work into it it was beautiful to me that I no longer have it I have the memory.

Jun 12, 2021 04:31 AM

Thats beautiful 🌻!!! I want to hand sew a quilt for my daughter whose gonna be 10.....i keep watching videos and they make it look so easy!!! At the rate im going...Shes probably gonna get her blanket at graduation! LOL!          I am always up for directions, step by step, etc! Help please! Lol thanks!!!