Merino Plaid

In order to create merino plaid you'll need the following:
- merino strong yarn
- special needles with the diameter 2-3 cm
The rest actions are the same, as ordinary needles knitting.
You can also do it with your hands, without needles. This way of knitting such plaids isn't classic, but new. It is performed on your wrists. The first step is to gather stitches. In order to do this, you should measure about 3 meters and form the first stitch on the right wrist and a little bit tighten it. Do the same with the needed number of stitches.
The first row is knitted in the following way: you should fist the thread in your right hand ahead of your work, then tighten the very first stitch on the wrist. In such a way the thread in your fist makes a new stitch. As in case with the needles it should be put on your left hand. The whole row should be done the same way.
The rest rows should be knitted the same way, and the purl rows are made in mirroring and with the purl stitches.
Before closing you should leave 4-5 meters of loose yarn. Then knit 2 first stitches together as usual. Take the third stitch off you wrist, and leave the following on your hand. After it is knitted, you should take the previous stitch off your hand. Do the same till the end of the row. Insert the thread in the very last stitch and tighten it.