Helping our users. Knit Aran Afghan.

You’ll need:
6 balls Bernat® Maker Home DecTM (8.8 oz/250 g; 317 yds/290 m) in Cream (11009);
Circular knitting needles 8 mm.
Measurements: 109 x 147,5 cm.
Stitches control: 13 sts x 17 rows = 10 x 10 cm.
Cable Panel A (worked over 6 sts). See chart on page 2.
1st row: (RS). K6.
2nd and alt rows: P6.
3rd row: C4B. K2.
5th row: K6.
7th row: K2. C4F.
8th row: P6.
These 8 rows form Cable Panel A.
Cable Panel B (worked over 15 sts)
1st row: (RS). K3. P4. C6B. P2.
2nd row: K2. P6. K4. P3.
3rd row: T5F. T5B. T5F.
4th row: P3. K4. P6. K2.
5th row: P2. C6F. P4. K3.
6th row: As 4th row.
7th row: T5B. T5F. T5B.
8th row: As 2nd row.
These 8 rows form Cable Panel B.
Cast on 141 sts. Do not join.
Working back and forth across needle in rows, proceed as follows:
1st row: (RS). *K1. P1. Rep from * to last st. K1. Last row forms Seed St Pat. Work a further 7 rows in Seed St Pat.
Next row: (WS). (K1. P1) twice. K1. *P3. M1P. P4. M1P. Rep from * to last 10 sts. P3. M1P. P2. (K1. P1) twice. K1. 178 sts.
Proceed in Cable Pat as follows:
1st row: (RS). (K1. P1) twice. K1. *P3. Work 1st row Cable Panel A. P3. K3. P3. Work 1st row Cable Panel B. P3. K3. Rep from * to last 17 sts. P3. Work 1st row Cable Panel A. P3. (K1. P1) twice. K1.
2nd row: (K1. P1) twice. K1. *K3. Work 2nd row Cable Panel A. K3. P1. K1. P1. K3. Work 2nd row Cable Panel B. K3. P1. K1. P1. Rep from * to last 17 sts. K3. Work 2nd row Cable Panel A. K3. (K1. P1) twice. K1.
These 2 rows form pat. Cable Panels are now in position.
Cont in pat, keeping cont of Cable Panels until work from beg measures approx 56½" [143.5 cm], ending on a 1st row of Cable Panel A and B.
Next row: (WS). (K1. P1) twice. K1. *P2. P2tog. P3. P2tog. Rep from * to last 11 sts. P2. P2tog. P2. (K1. P1) twice. K1. 141 sts. Work 8 rows in Seed St Pat across all sts. Cast off in pat.