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Helping our users. ​Crochet Amigurumi Hamburger.

Sep 24, 2020 12:27 AM
Helping our users. ​Crochet Amigurumi Hamburger.
Helping our users. ​Crochet Amigurumi Hamburger.

You’ll need:

Yarn: Lily Sugar & Creme, Peaches & Cream and Bernat Handicrafter Cotton:



Apple Green;



Warm brown.


Burger Top Bun

CH 2 or Magic Ring or start however you like.

1. SC x 8; join CH1 (8)

2. INC x 8; join CH1 (16)

3. SC then INC; repeat x 7; join CH1 (24)

4. SC, INC, SC; repeat x 7; join CH1 (32)

5. SC, SC, SC, INC; repeat x 7; join CH1 (40)

6. SC, SC, INC, SC, SC; repeat x 7; join CH1 (48)

7. SC x 7, INC; repeat x 5; join CH1 (54)

8. SC x 17, INC; repeat x 2; join CH1 (57)

9. SC x 9, INC, SC x 9; repeat x 2; join CH1 (60)

10. SC around; join CH1 (60)

11-15. repeat round 10 for rounds 11 through 15; (60)

16. SL ST around; switch to off-white for the “inside” of the bread join then CH1 (60)
Hook into the back loop of the previous round and work in this loop for the next round

17. SC, SC, INVDEC, SC, SC; repeat x 9; join CH1 (50)
Go back to working in both loops.

18. SC x 3, INVDEC; repeat x 9; switch to lettuce green, join CH1 (40)


Work round 19 only in the front loop of round 18, not in both loops.

19. SC x 3, INC; repeat x 9; join CH1; (50)

Go back to working in both loops.

20. SC, Skip next stitch, DC 8 times in the next stitch, Skip next stitch, SC, SC, Skip next stitch, SC 5 times in the next stitch, Skip next stitch, SC; repeat 4 times times; SL ST and finish off.


Work round 21 in the back loop of round 18, not in both loops.

21. Hook into the inner loop of round 18 with red yarn, CH1 and SC around; join CH1 (40)

22. SC around; switch to orange cheese colour; join CH1; (40)


Work round 23 in the front loop of round 22, not in both loops.

23. SC, SC, INC, DC INC, TC, DC INC, INC, SC x 3; repeat x 3; join then finish off; leave a long tail for stitching the cheese down to the meat patty so it looks like it is melty. Only stitch it down once your amigurumi is stuff and finished. This will keep the cheese from curling upward too. (56)

Meat Patty

Work round 24 in the back loop of round 22, not in both loops.

24. Hook into the inner loop of round 22 with brown yarn, CH1 Sc, INC; repeat 19 times; join CH1 (60)

25. SC around; join CH1; (60)

26. repeat round 25; (60)

27. SC, INVDEC; repeat x 19; switch to off-white yarn colour; join CH1; (40)

Bottom Bun

Work round 28 in the back loop of round 27, not in both loops.

28. SC, INC; repeat x 19; switch to light brown bun colour; join CH1 (60)

Work in back loop of round 28, not in both loops.

29. SC around; join CH1; (60)

Go back to working in both loops.

30. SC around; join CH1; (60)

31. repeat round 30; (60)

32. SC, SC, INVDEC, SC, SC; repeat 9 times; join CH1; (50)

33. SC, SC, SC, INVDEC; repeat 9 times; join CH1; (40)

34. SC, INVDEC, SC; repeat 9 times; join CH1; (30)

35. INVDEC, SC; repeat 9 times; join CH1; (20)

36. SC, INVDEC, SC; repeat 4 times; join then CH 1; (15)

37. INVDEC x 5 or as many times as necessary to close up and finish off.

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