Stylish Bangle Bracelet

You'll need:
Wood bangle bracelet;
#3 perle cotton;
1 large eye needle;
Undo the first skein of floss and cut an 18" length of thread.
1. If you are right handed, place the tail ontop of the bracelet with the tail facing to the left and held securely by your left hand. If you are left handed follow these instructions in reverse beginning with the tail facing to the right and held by your right hand.
2. With the tail securely held, proceed to wrap from right to left over the tail pulling firmly as you go.
3. Continue wrapping until you have covered a desired amount.
4. Thread your needle with the remainder and tuck it under the portion you have wrapped.
5. Pull the needle through and trim away excess thread. Trim away any tail that may still be seen.
6. Proceed to the next color repeating the same procedure, beginning with cutting an 18" length of thread.
7. Continue working in the same manner with each color in sequence.
8. Work a 4 color repeat 4 times.
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