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How to Draw a Picture From Epoxide Resin

Mar 03, 2020 02:18 AM
How to Draw a Picture From Epoxide Resin

As soon as you decide with the design and colours, make the following steps.

Organize your workplace in a clean, dustless, well-ventilated area. Lay a plastic film on the floor and work surface. The material you need should be within reach.

Glue the tablet on the back with masking tape so that the drops on the underside can be easily removed the next day with the tape. You can also tape sidewalls with tape to reduce resin consumption.

Place the tablet on supports, such as glasses. If it lies directly on the work surface, it may stick.
Use the building level to make sure that the work surface is strictly horizontal. Otherwise, the resin will drain towards the slope and the coating thickness will be uneven.

Use disposable gloves, sleeves and an apron. Make sure that they do not tear during operation.

In a large glass, mix the required amount of resin and hardener in the proportions indicated on the package. Stir thoroughly and slowly for 3-5 minutes. Use a wooden or plastic spatula to mix.


It is very important to mix the resin with the hardener thoroughly. Poorly mixed resin may not harden in places

Pour the mixture into disposable cups and start staining. Shake the container with dyes thoroughly and add dropwise to the resin. Shuffle, check the color, and add again until you get the right shade.

You can also add phosphors, glitters, or the Resi-Blast modifier to create decorative effects. Resi-Blast forms a surface dispersion, which creates the effect of concentric stains, cell structures, cells.

Pour the mixture of different colors onto the tablet one at a time, forming a future pattern. You can distribute the liquid on the surface with your fingers, spatula, roller, brush, hair dryer or just tilting the tablet.

If bubbles appear in the picture, remove them by heating. Walk with a quick motion burner with a small flame above the surface, if necessary repeat after 10-15 minutes.
If dust, hair or other particles get on the drawing during the work, remove them with a spatula or tweezers.

When the resin thickens a little and acquires a thick honey consistency - after about 40 minutes - remove the tape from the sides. The epoxy flows over them and forms beautiful edges. At this point, help her spread more evenly with her fingers or a spatula.

When the painting is finished, there will be no air bubbles and debris left in it, it should be covered to protect it from dust. Use a box or box for this. During drying, the work should not be exposed to significant temperature changes.

After 24 hours, the surface will become solid, but will gain full strength only after 72 hours. If you wish, you can apply additional layers of resin as soon as the painting dries - after about 5 hours.

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