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Peach Pearls Bead Necklace

Feb 18, 2020 03:30 AM
Peach Pearls Bead Necklace
Peach Pearls Bead Necklace

You'll need:

seed beads 11/0
pearl beads 8 mm
pearl beads 4 mm

1. Start raw 1 with 2 needles. String on the thread 4 seed beads , clasp, 5 seed beads and cross 2 neeedles in the last 5th seed bead.

String pearl 8 mm on the first needle and string 7 seed beads on another needle, cross 2 needles in the last 7th seed bead.

String 7 seed beads on the first needle and string pearl 8 mm on another needle, cross 2 needles in the 7th seed bead on the first needle.

Continue until the end.

But when you reach the end of the necklace and cross the last 7 seed beads and pearl 8mm, u should string on one needle 4 seed beads and 4 seed beads and clasp on another needle and then join 2 threads with knot. U can hide one end of thread in the seed beads and continue to work with another end.

Bead where 2 threads are crossed we will call the central bead.

2. Second raw begins from the clasp. U can use same thread or add new.

Go through next 9 seed beads from the clasp (how it shows on the pattern). String 2 pearls 4 mm and 3 seed beads and go through third seed bead from the central bead (i count central bead as one of those 3 beads). Go through next 4 seed beads.

String 2 pearls 4 mm and 3 seed beads and go through third seed bead from the central bead. Go through next 4 seed beads. Repeat this until the end.

But when you reach the end of the necklace and string the last 2 pearls 4 mm and 3 seed beads , u should go through second bead from the central bead and then go through next 2 beads( thread goes out from central bead) , then through pearl 8 mm, central bead and next 4 beads, clasp.

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