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​Owl Beads Brooch

Apr 16, 2020 03:53 AM
​Owl Beads Brooch
​Owl Beads Brooch
​Owl Beads Brooch
​Owl Beads Brooch
​Owl Beads Brooch
​Owl Beads Brooch
​Owl Beads Brooch
​Owl Beads Brooch
​Owl Beads Brooch
​Owl Beads Brooch

You'll need:

CZ small beads of different shades;

2 white beads (rivoli);

Piece of leather;








When the materials are all ready, you can start making the owl. First, braid the rivoli. Make a ring of thirty beads. Then make two more rows using silver beads. Now you can insert the rivoli, and then turn them on the wrong side and weave two rows of the same beads.

Wind the second rivoli exactly in the same way. Sew the blanks to the base. Then you should take an elongated bead and sew between the previous blanks. It will be the beak of an owl. Sew on top other beads that are also oblong, but in a slightly different shape. They will resemble the eyebrows of this nocturnal bird.

For subsequent beadwork, you will need such a scheme as shown in the picture.

Following this scheme, you need to sew around the very first blanks that play the role of an owl’s eyes. After that, draw the body of the bird with your own hands.

You can wind the bead along the contour of the body again. Next, embroider the inside of the body with beads, changing the contrast of the colors. Trim the excess material around the edges as you near practical completion.

Take a thick cardboard and cut a small piece in the shape of an oval. After that, glue it to a woven owl. Take the metal hardware in the form of a clasp, attach it to the leather fabric, also trimming the excess.

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